Rock Planet Learning: Mars

This month we are on a Space Exploration with our Experience Early Learning box, and this week is all about those rocky planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars and Pluto! All the days have been so much fun, and I love how easily our little box can adapt to my 1st grader and 3 year old. […]

Pattern Block Plants

We are traveling to the Rainforest this month with our Experience Early Learning (EEL) curriculum. Each week we will be studying a different layer of the Rainforest and this week is all about what we can find on the Rainforest Floor. This week we have studied Jaguars, Roots, Lily Pads, and Mushrooms. We still have […]

Wind Process Art

I write a lot about Process Art also known as Invitations to Create. There are so many benefits to process art, but one of my favorites is that the child is truly creating something of their own that is unlike any other. As an Experience Early Learning (EEL) Blogger, I receive the EEL Preschool Curriculum in exchange […]

Earthly Superheroes

“I are a superhero!’ my two-year old son hollers after completing any helpful task. It is one of my most favorite things he says. I know this saying has everything to do with the fact that we have been studying superheroes with our Experience Early Learning box. As an Experience Early Learning (EEL) Blogger, I receive the […]

Everyday Superhero: Firefighter Puppets

When you think of a superhero, do you usually think of all the costume gear they wear, or their super power? Or do you think of those people out there that are willing to sacrifice their own well being for others? As an Experience Early Learning (EEL) Blogger, I receive the EEL Preschool Curriculum in exchange for […]

Frogs, Ponds, and Poetry Tea Time

As a Experience Early Learning (EEL) Blogger, I receive the EEL Preschool Curriculum in exchange for my honest opinions and authentic stories about our experiences using the curriculum. All opinions and thoughts are completely my own We’ve always spent time outdoors, but this year is different. I find myself not just going outside to be outside, […]

Harvest Moon and Scary FUN

This week we were all up in our feelings. We did games and learning that revolved around feeling  Happy, Sad, Surprised, Mad, and Scared.  Scared fell on Friday the 13th. It also fell on the Harvest Moon.  Boom. Totally did not plan that! Our Kindergarten Homeschool year started this week. We had our first Classical […]