Bird Activities for Little Learners

Hi! I’m Leslie- a homeschooling momma to a 5 year old girl and 21 month old boy.  The 2 are as different as night and day.  I share our adventures here to both inspire learning at home and chronicle our lives, because honestly, I never started the baby books and my kids will just have […]

Preschool Science: Volume and Water Displacement

I get so tickled when my preschooler does things that I used to teach in 4th and 6th grade. Understanding VOLUME is a huge concept in both grade levels. This month with our preschool curriculum we are studying Fables and Folktales; one being  The Crow and the Pitcher- an Aesop fable. The story goes that […]

Castles, Crowns, and Coloring, Oh My!

This month is Vacation Bible School month. That means, as the VBS Director, my life is super crazy right now.   I am hoping to share a few tips on how to help with that in a future post, so if you are involved with your VBS please stay tuned to the blog. 🙂 However, in […]

A Typical Day in a Preschool Homeschool

As a former public ed teacher, I loved a set routine! It allowed the students (and myself) to know exactly what to expect, providing a sense of comfort knowing what is coming. However being a part-time Children’s Pastor and Homeschooling Momma, has forced me to live a life where our days are more fluid than […]

Mother Goose Time: Organizing Leftovers

I love that little school bus box, don’t you?  It is jam packed with awesome goodness for me and my little girl to play, learn, and discover together.  However, for a pack-rat like myself, I just can’t bring myself to throw away so many wonderful things! Maybe it’s because my husband doesn’t want to invest […]