and Castle Day was so much fun.

We talked about how if our family lived in the castle then her Daddy would be the _____ (King) she told me. I asked her what I would be, and she said Queen. But she was a little puzzled when I told her she would not be called Queen but something else. I asked her to remember Sofia the First and what she was. A princess! Therefore, you too would be a princess. Princess Avaleigh and your brother would be Prince Everett.
After creating her crown, she was still wanted to color with her markers, so I got out the My Little Journal and had her review her colors. She couldn’t read the words, but once I told her the name of the color, she grabbed the correct marker and colored each bird.
She has been paying so much more attention to the lines and trying to color within them. Lots and lots of practice with coloring, but she loves it. I always have a container of crayons, markers or map pencils on the table ready for her whenever she gets the inclination to color.
Afterwards I got pulled away having to do some VBS work, but we picked back up on our Castle Day today. And you can’t talk about castles with out mentioning dragons!
MGT sent us the materials to make a dragon puppet and during her quiet time play, she made the dragon attack her princess castle (Little People). She stayed in her room playing for a whole hour!
As Everett napped screamed in his room, Avaleigh and I took a quick break to read one of our favorite Usborne books, BOY. It’s about a King and Dragon who fight all the time until a young deaf boy forces them to stop and listen to one another. It is such a wonderful story.
I read it aloud here:
I know we won’t get to each bag this month, but I have sure enjoyed the ones we are doing.
I’m just so thankful I don’t have to plan one more thing…
This mom’s brain is on the fritz.
And I get to just sit back, watch, and play.