What do you do when your toddler has to be doing the same thing as your Kindergartener? It’s definitely been trial and error as we learn how to navigate this homeschool life. We received an Experience Toddler box this month from Experience Early Learning that is just for my toddler, and he has had a blast with these activities. Wanna see what’s in the box? Check it out here.

We started our day with our new book, Follow the Path: Community Helpers. This is a great book that is interactive by having the toddlers trace the lines with their fingers, or in our case, our community helpers toys. The Toddler CD is great for reading this book aloud too with instrumental sounds during the time that toddlers would trace the line in the book.
The activity suggested using masking tape and having kids trace the line with their fingers from left to right. We didn’t go left to right, but he did great tracing the line slowly!
I have found that my son is obsessed with stickers. I love that our Experience Toddler box comes with Sticker Art each week! This week he matched Community Helper stickers. When he finished placing his stickers, he started drawing on his sheet. Sister did not want to be left out of the sticker action, so she too did the toddler activity. Instead of connecting the dots with a straight line, she created mountains or loops from dot to dot! I was pretty impressed how she took it up a notch all on her own.

Then it was time for some art work more on her level. But first, something to entertain the toddler. Experience Preschool comes with some great STEAM stations to incorporate throughout the week. The STEAM station for our Plumber day had us making pipes from cardboard tubes…. PERFECT! Collect all the cardboard tubes you can find (I won’t ask you where you got yours if you don’t ask me where I got mine, ha!) and duct tape those bad boys to whatever you got. I used a broken chair, lol! But it works perfectly for this!

While he worked on placing pom poms and trying to navigate them to land in his colored cups, she worked on her Invitation to Create: Pipe Sculpture. Using the straws Experience Preschool sent us (and the ones my son didn’t raid and decide to chomp on), she created her own sculpture with only straws, scissors and washi tape. I love washi tape! Especially for young ones learning how to tear. However my type A kiddo used scissors to cut the tape. Resourceful.

The whole time she was taping, my kindergartener was telling me how water would flow from one area to another. Love it.
Well I hope you leave here with a few ideas to try out with your youngest learners! Which one is on your list to try out?