When you think of November, what’s the first thought that pops into your head? Mine is Thanksgiving. A day we set aside to celebrate with loved ones and remember all the things we have to be thankful for in our life. One of which is our Community Helpers- the police officers, doctors, firemen, mail carriers, and so much more- that help our lives function well and who I know I take for granted. Have you ever thought what would happen if we didn’t have garbage men?! I don’t want to go there after witnessing all the dirty diapers I change in a day.

Our Toddler box from Experience Early Learning is all about Community Helpers and has 80 different activities to do with them over this month! Wanna see what’s in the box? Check it out! It is absolutely delightful.

Let’s check out what is in the Character Trait of the Month weekly bag which is Resourcefulness.

These are the Activity Cards. 20 of them are included each week, so 80 Activity Cards for the month! The top right number shows what cards you use for each day. I love the picture showing how to set up the activity. It quickly lets me know what materials I need from the bag and which ones from home I need to add.

Pretty nifty huh? That is just ONE week yall. One! Want to see the other weekly content bags? Check them out…

I want to give you a really close look at the Daily Activity cards and how to find the supplies you will need for the week easily. Experience Early Learning has made it soooooo easy.

It allows me to meet him where he is at and how to assess him.

Whew! So that is what is in this month’s Community Helpers Toddler box. Whatcha think?!
I am totally stoked about having 80 activities to pull from that will help my toddler feel like a big boy while I am homeschooling my 5 year old daughter. Activities just for him instead of me scrambling around trying to find him something to keep him busy. I am excited this box will help me be INTENTIONAL with him while I am homeschooling her.
Want your own box? Yeah you do! Check it out here. You can make it a Christmas or birthday gift, or ask a grandparent to get you a subscription box for your little learner this Christmas!
Want to see how it all plays out this month? Be sure to like us on Facebook where I will be able to update you on our weekly adventures. Hope to see you there and back here next week! Happy learning friends!