We are wrapping up our Rain forest Adventure unit from Mother Goose Time this week.
Today we studied sloths.
Our MGT starts the same everyday:
Calendar (practicing counting to 30!)
Day of the week word matching
Topic Poster (sloth)
Find the topic in our theme poster (if applicable)
Read the book of the day
Today’s book is by Eric Carle:
It didn’t take Sweet Pea long to start reciting with me some of the repeated words from the story, “Slowly, slowly, slowly, the sloth…”
By the end of the book, Sweet Pea knew 2 main attributes of sloths:
– They are slow to move.
-They hang upside down.
We practiced dancing slowly to our Sloth song from our MGT cd, and then it was time to try something upside down…ART!
This activity is something I contemplated doing with my high school students back in the day. However, asking 180 14-19 year olds to lie on the floor and do artwork…
I knew it was a battle I just didn’t want to deal with.
But my 3 year old daughter on the other hand…
Oh how I enjoyed watching her create her masterpiece!
It started with looking at the artwork provided in our Invitation to Create:
the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel painted by Michelangelo on his back.
When Sweet Pea looked at this picture, she said,
“It’s like Little Mermaid.” ha ha ha ha!!
I think the half naked people reminded her of the mermaids and mermen!
Anyway, I told her that Michelangelo painted all these pictures on his back and that we were going to do some art on our backs too!
So I taped the provided white card stock to the underside of her little table,
and instead of markers I let her use crayons.
Her whole body was into creating this work. It was hard to color on the paper
and not lift your legs up. I wonder what Michelangelo looked like?
She worked on making lines and circles and soon got distracted pulling the paper off the crayons because you know…she’s 3. lol…
When she finished, I glued the provided blue card stock frame around her artwork.
She still wanted to color and spotted her Little Journal book.
This thing is completely covered…mostly in her tracing letters I have written down. But today, we found a page that wasn’t completely covered. The number 6 page. The prompt asked me to draw a drum and then Sweet Pea could draw 6 circles on it and count them.
The above picture is her counting her circles.
She’s been really into counting EVERYTHING lately.
It’s how I get her to eat her green beans at night 🙂
“Let’s count how many green beans you can eat!!”
“Wow!!! 23 green beans! You’re an amazing green bean eater!”
Have fun learning in new and exciting ways!