Closing the NOTEBOOK/JOURNAL….. and GIVEAWAY Reminder :)

Don’t you hate those ginormous journals that have stuff just pouring outta them and every paper starts to get folded and tattered because the journal won’t shut???  Well, I have a solution…. and sound like I am on an infomercial!!

I have had some questions in the past about closing the journals.  I wrote about it, but pictures make it so much easier to understand:)   You will need:

You can also buy them at Walmart. I bought this bag at Walmart for a little over $5.00, used 80 of them and we hardly put a dent in this bad boy.

Also needed: Handy-dandy hole punch.  You can see how enormous the rubber bands are here. 

Step 1:  Punch hole in the back top outside corner.  I didn’t do it on the bottom so kids would be less tempted to play with it.

Step 2:  Put the rubber band through the hole like this:

Step 3:  Take the large loop and go through the small loop like this:

Step 4: Pull the longer loop tight:


Now you can close that journal that is overflowing with knowledge and foldables!!!!!

Quick reminder:  Don’t forget to enter my  

Just click on the word Give Away and you will go to my link.  I am soooo close to 100 and would love to give away the bracelet and pen with 100 followers!!  Thanks for reading and supporting!! 🙂

7 thoughts on “Closing the NOTEBOOK/JOURNAL….. and GIVEAWAY Reminder :)

  1. Leslie, I just found your blog and I'm loving looking through all your old posts! I teach first grade and have for many many years, but I secretly think I want to teach the older kids, 5th or 6th. It looks so fun!

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