Kids in the Kitchen Activities

I love having my little sous chef in the kitchen!Mother Goose Time had some great "In the Kitchen" Activities this week from our Health and Fitness Unit.Here are some of our faves.(LOTS and lots of pictures... but that's not really anything new to you regular readers ;)   )Cleaning and Safety:"Wash your hands and say your prayers because Jesus and germs are everywhere!"Avaleigh...

Food Group Activities with Preschoolers

What a week we have had!We started our new unit, Health and Fitness, from Mother Goose Time and have had a great time studying the 5 main food groups this week: Grains, Fruit, Vegetables, Protein, and Dairy.Here are some of our favorite activities we did this week.Grains DayMGT sent us new monthly manipulatives: shapes.We hid them in grains (rainbow rice) and dug out the pieces and matched them...

Preschool Culture Study: Jewelry

Africa is an amazingly beautiful continent.  It is so rich in the beauty of its' people, their culture, and the animals and scenery of the land.It's not every month that you get to go on Safari, but that is just what my preschooler and I are doing through our preschool curriculum from Mother Goose Time.Last week I shared how to prepare to go on a safari, and this week we ventured into the...

Transportation Math Game

This month we have been studying different modes of transportation with our Mother Goose Time preschool curriculum.  Today we had a math game the my girl loved and we played over... and over... and over.  We ended up adjusting the game to make it a little more challenging in the math department.  Here's how the initial game went:MGT sent us the game board, transportation...

Authentic Assessment: Squirrel Math

First, please accept my apology for such awful photos.  I don't know why my camera on my phone has such a hard time focusing.  Ugh.But I wanted to talk about Authentic Assessment today.Wikipedia defines it as:"Authentic assessment tends to focus on contextualised tasks, enabling students to demonstrate their competency in a more 'authentic' setting. Examples of authentic assessment...

Calendar Time Routine with a Preschooler

Hey friends! If you are new to the blog, WELCOME!I am a homeschooling momma to my 4 year old preschooler and 9 month old son.We are so blessed to share our adventures using our Mother Goose Time Preschool Curriculum, which we think is downright amazing.We never have school at the same time everyday.  However each time we start school, it goes in the same rhythm, and it always...

Paul Bunyan Fun for Preschoolers

This past week we studied the Tall Tales of Paul Bunyan with ourMother Goose Time Fables and Folktales Unit.MGT did not disappoint in the activity department either. Here's just a few of the activities we did this week....Literary Activities:Each day we had a story in our bag complete with colored cardstock puppets to cut out and play with.  My girl's favorite was Bessie the Cow and...

Homeschool Preschool: Learning the Value of Money

About 2 weeks ago, my 3.5 year old and I played a game, encouraged from our Growing Gardens unit from Mother Goose Time.  It has now become a highly requested game that we play for at least 30 minutes each time we play if not longer. It's called "Penny Produce Market."All you need are some vegetables, fruit, and some pennies.  The veggies and fruit could be real,...

Preschool Garden Sensory Bin

I've been trying to build thematic sensory tubs each month that coincides with our theme from Mother Goose Time, our preschool curriculum.  This month it's all about the garden, so here's how we built ours and a few activities you can do with the bin.You will need:black beans, pinto beans, floral foam, fake flowers, little ceramic pots, floral cutters ($1 at Dollar Tree!) or scissors, a...

Preschool Ocean Math Games

It's been an Ocean Commotion in our house this month and we have had a blast!Avaleigh is obsessed with Octonauts, so all these ocean activities have been right up her ally.Mother Goose Time has sent us some wonderful math games this month along with real shells to use as manipulatives! Here's how you can recreate some of these games at home.Fishing for ShellsBuild a cave with a large sheet and...