Superheroes wear masks!
As we can see in the world around us, masks are everywhere. This month we are studying Superheroes with our Experience Early Learning curriculum, and you can’t talk about superheroes and not mention masks. When I was planning our adventure in learning today, my teacher guide suggested making Nature Masks as part as our STEAM learning, and you all know I can’t pass out some outdoor learning. #charlottemason

As an Experience Early Learning (EEL) Blogger, I receive the EEL Preschool Curriculum in exchange for my honest opinions and authentic stories about our experiences using the curriculum. All opinions and thoughts are completely my own.
In the cool of our Texas morning, we wandered down one of our many nature trails near our home. I gave each kiddo one of our canvas shape bags that we received in our monthly box this year from Experience Early Learning. It was the perfect size for each person to place all their nature treasures that we gathered on our walk.

The kids found a variety of flowers, leaves, and even pulled some little pine trees that were starting to sprout in our local playground. We were even able to talk about the life cycle of a pine tree! When we arrived home, the kids emptied their bags of nature items onto the table and talked about what they found while I passed out paper plate masks and white glue.

I just cut the plates in half, cut out eye holes with an exacto knife, and punched holes for my yarn to go through. As kids ripped, plucked, and glued different nature items to make their masks, their fine motor skills were activated while they were making creative choices about placement.

Top right- 5 year old (hotglue)
Bottom left- 38 year old momma
Bottom right- 5 year old (white glue)
Of course I had to make a mask too! I don’t want to miss out on these fun learning experiences either! I love how each mask exemplifies the person who created it.

So much fun! I know masks will continue to be part of our everyday for a long time to come, so why not make it fun for kids? Get out in nature and make some masks today!
Need more ideas to have fun in nature? Check out some of these posts.

Happy Learning yall!