Bug Bingo

This month we are studying those gross nasties that make me cringe…
There is no denying that I am not a fan of bugs.
Ladybugs and butterflies hold the exception.
When teaching fourth grade Science, I had a mealworm and earthworm habitat in the room, 
so I can handle those too.  That’s about it my friends.
However, Mother Goose Time sure does know how to make these creepy-crawly, cringe worthy creatures into some fun experiences for not just my tot, but our whole family.
Tonight after dinner, 
I set up our Bug Bingo game that Sweet Pea and I had played earlier in the day.
MGT sent us a bunch of bug manipulatives, and 4 different bingo cards.  
It is basically a matching game, but you could make it really challenging by not showing the picture card and just calling out the names of the insects.
Our girl helped us find the insects on our cards.
Where’s that spider?

Still helping dad find his insects (even though momma won!)

We played 2 rounds of our bingo game as a family and we all just loved it.  
Sometimes I really struggle in finding things for us to do quietly after dinner, but before bathtime,  that doesn’t involve the television.   
This game was the perfect solution and it is set up on our buffet,
 so we can play some more later this week. 
The family that plays together, stays together.
What are some of your favorite family games to do with your tot?
I’d love to know in the comments below!

2 thoughts on “Bug Bingo

  1. Did you use the right shape of bug counter to cover the bugs? I haven't looked close enough yet to see if they line up. I hate bugs, and as a child this unit probably would have made me cry. But as a mama I try hard to be brave even when I don't like it lol. I once had a Sesame Street dictionary, with cartoon illustrations. There was a cartoon picture of an alligator, and I was so upset I got my mom to cover it up for me by taping a piece of cardboard over the top. When I got older (like ten) I felt​ so brave looking under it lol. I was a big baby and my mom was a little too nice to me. Hahaha. I've been a little disturbed by the frequency with which MGT likes to use photos of alligators, but I put on my big girl pants and get over it.

    In the evenings I usually just read stories or do puzzles if I feel like I haven't spent enough time with my son. Sometimes I let him watch Andy Griffith, and oftentimes we eat late and it's bed time pretty soon after dinner.

    I'll have to save a few MGT activities as evening activities, thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks so much for commenting Rachel! I totally understand the fear! I too was totally scared of that stuff growing up…I still am! I have been surprised with how much fun we've had in this bug unit considering my hatred towards bugs.

    We did not use the right shape on the bug…we just covered them up with the bug manipulatives. I havent checked either if they all lined up or not. Would be pretty cool if they did!

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