Postcards…. Starting off the Year with a Good Note

I love getting mail!  Some email… yes… but real MAIL.  The kind someone actually wrote, put a stamp on it and put my name as the address.  I LOVE IT, and unfortunately I don’t get much of it… besides bills. I don’t count that as real mail.

And who doesn’t love real mail???  During the summer last year, I sent postcards to my kiddos and I had all but one child come to Meet the Teacher Night.  I don’t know if it had anything to do with my postcards, but hey… it didnt hurt 😉

This year, I will be at a new school teaching 6th grade… yes…. I am a little worried about it.  It will be my first time teaching this grade level so I am trying to prepare myself as much as possible.  I figure though… if everyone loves mail… so should 6th grade kids.  And what if my mail gave them a challenge… something to think about that would result in a prize on the first day??? 

So that’s what I did.  Postcards… except instead of writing Welcome to 6th Grade… I put a picture of me in front of the “bean” in Chicago.  (I vacationed there this summer). 

On the back of the postcard, I introduced myself, what I read over the summer (Hunger Games trilogy) and challenged them to figure out where I went to in this picture, and if they were right, then they would be up for a prize.  ( I was meaning to get something in Chicago as a prize but I forgot 🙁 ugh… –suggestions would be much appreciated)

I am going to address them next week and send them out in about a week and a half.  I wonder how they are going to figure it out??

4 thoughts on “Postcards…. Starting off the Year with a Good Note

  1. Thanks!!!I just went to my principal and told him what I wanted to do. I am at a pretty small school (there are only 40 kids in the grade level) and I see them all. So I am going to send all the kids the postcard. I still don't know who is in my homeroom.

    At my old school we had our lists at least 2 weeks in advance since Meet the Teacher was the Thurs before school starts.

    Maybe your PEIMS clerk or counselor could help. Good Luck!!!

  2. Awesome idea! I wish we were able to do this at our school, but we don't get class lists until the day before Meet The Teacher, which is usually a day or two before school starts. At any rate, I love your idea. I am a new follower of your blog too. Thanks for sharing on the Blogosphere.

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