This is my 100th post about our Mother Goose Time adventures!
We have loved our Ocean Commotion unit from Mother Goose Time!
Each month we receive 20 discovery bags about our unit, and each bag is filled with items to make art, crafts, games for math, and literary devices and games.
We receive 2 books each month. One is a leveled reader called an “I Can Read” book. It is filled with sight words that repeat over and over to help your child learn to read. My girl loves these, and we read it each night as part of our bed time routine. The other book is an actual paperback book that you read to your child. This month is was all about ocean animals and learning to trace letters! I caught my girl reading it by herself several times during quiet time- practicing tracing her letters and reciting facts about the animal on that particular page.
At the back of the “I Can Read” book, is a spot for the child to draw or to work on a skill. Can you tell what ocean animal Avaleigh drew below?
To go along with the books, we also receive sight words and little picture cards. I make these interactive which you can read about here and here.
The little picture cards match our letters of the month, and my girl says the word and the beginning sound and then places the picture on the corresponding letter.
The story board and magnets also come with our curriculum and go along with our book that MGT sends us! There is so much to do to make our story expand beyond the words on the page.
Each month we get a book list with suggestions to help our home library expand. I can find a lot of these books at my local library. Ones that I know my girl will love I’ll try to order from Thriftbooks (super cheap) or look and see what Usborne might have. Having a list to go from helps me spend my time wisely especially at the library with a newborn who can start screaming at any moment.
These are books I added from Thriftbooks based on our suggestion list by MGT. There are so many great books we have been able to add because of these wonderful lists they send to us monthly.
These past few months, my girl has steadily grown to love coloring. She calls it her “homework.” I have no idea why she started calling it that. lol! This month we turned our “O” sheet into an octopus and used watercolors to paint the “W” page. It was working on these sheets a few months ago when I noticed her coloring beginning to bloom.
We love this! The reason I love it so much is I can document how much she has progressed from month to month just by looking in this book. It gives tons of suggestions of what to do on each page, but mostly my girl just likes drawing or practicing tracing letters in the book.
These letters are great. On our whale day (hence the letter W) we practiced blowing like whales do out of their blow hole. She had to have her Orca and Blue Whale come join in the action. There are tons of activities throughout the month that allow us to use these letters, but I wrote about our Literacy Scavenger Hunt using the hands on letters here.
Fostering a love for literacy starts at such a young age.
Making learning fun and joyful will help your child cultivate that love.
I have seen so much growth this past year in her knowing all her letters, their sounds, and a few sight words. She has started to love writing, coloring, and working with writing instruments.
I am just so grateful we get to experience this, and I get to watch it happen.
Happy Learning!