That is what Avaleigh became this first week as we studied the SUN, the MOON, and STARS with our SPACE unit from Mother Goose Time.
Our week started with studying STARS and constellations.
MGT sent us these glow in the dark stars in a variety of sizes and Avaleigh had to match them to the correct size on the constellation.
We then did a STEAM station of punching out circles to be stars and then gluing them on black construction paper. I then asked my girl which “stars” should be connected with a line of glue.
We then poured silver glitter on the glue to create her constellations.
She also worked on spelling her name. She has come so far with her writing!
After her nap, we discussed how there are 3 main colors of stars, HOT Blue ones, and COOLER Red and Orange ones. I sticky tacked the stars all over the house while she napped and drew 3 circles on her chalkboard table top. She then went around the house and matched them to the correct category.
On our SUN Day, we only did the Make and Play craft which was creating a Sun Mask. We also talked about the letter S. She wasn’t into doing much else and wanted to play outside so that’s what we did 🙂
Some days you just do what you can.
We had to add some glitter though!
However, the BEST day was MOON Day!
Avaleigh loves the moon.
She searches for it every. time. we. go. outside. Every time.
She did the Make and Play Moon Rocks first. Here is her Moon Rock bag with aluminum foil rocks inside. We used this bag later outside for our Moon Rock Math Game.
Afterwards, she worked on her My Little Journal cover. It suggested to place the moon on the cover. Avaleigh traced one of her play kitchen bowls. I asked her if she wanted to color it and of course she said yes. I was most surprised when she started drawing the moon’s craters by drawing blue circles all over her moon. I didn’t suggest it at all.
Then with my help she cut out her moon and glued it to her cover and wrote her name.
Now it was time to go outside and play our Math Moon Rock Game which you can read about here.
We had so much fun and it reinforced her counting skills so much!
This is just 3 days of our space unit!
Today after her quiet time (and my blogging time), we will really study Astronomers,
and I’ll probably sneak in our comet study as well.
Next week we start studying the ROCK planets so stay tuned here and on our facebook page!
It sure is fun becoming a Preschool Astronomer.