What did we do before Pinterest?!?! It’s amazing what you can find on there. I know a lot of people can look on there and get overwhelmed especially with the comparison game, but for me Pinterest is like a visual encyclopedia. I type something in, and boom, research is done. Millions of ideas, thoughts, and visual representations are there to GUIDE me. And that’s the key word GUIDE. For me, Pinterest is the best place for me to find ideas on how to guide my little girl’s learning and ways to help her develop new skills I would not have even thought of. That’s why I have this blog. A place to share ideas. I am not perfect. I don’t have to be, and friend, neither do you. Sorry I was on a soap box a bit with that… I just think its really important, especially as mom’s, that we stop trying to be perfect and start relishing each moment God has graced us with.
With that being said, here’s a look into our imperfect but oh so fun garden sensory box.
Big bag of pinto beans I never made for refried beans became the easily scoopable dirt. Filled with hot glued flowers (with the glue string that my girl loves to point at going “ut-oh”), and terra cotta pots from Dollar Tree. I <3 that place.
Playing on a quilt makes clean up easy and our bums don’t hurt. 🙂
Working hard on those scooping skills and pouring back and forth from the terra cotta pot to other containers. This was Sweet Pea’s first attempt at transferring from one container into a similar sized container and being pretty successful.
This bin cost me $1.00. I had everything else from around the house except the terra cotta pots, and she has loved stacking them into each other, transferring beans from one to the other, and planting her flowers in the pots. I love watching her grow and learn new things…. It is such a privilege to be be her momma.
I hope you all have a wonderful day catching glimpses of God’s grace in your little ones today realizing you don’t have to be perfect or have everything perfect… and that is okay, mom. <3
This blog entry has been linked to an amazing blog I love to stalk and get idea for my tot! Head over to 1+1+1=1 for some amazing ideas and printables!