Big Lebowski Baby Shower

 My best friend, Marcie, is prego with "Baby Bean," and she is absolutely in love with the movie The Big Lebowski.  If you love Seinfeld, you will probably like this movie (there is a LOT of cussing though), but it's a movie about nothing really.... a man who loves bowling, gets his identity mixed up with another man named Lebowski, has his favorite rug stolen, ends up becoming a...

May the FORCE be with you….

That's what we have been studying the past couple of weeks- force and how and what balanced and unbalanced forces do to an object.  I really wanted to hit home the fact that force depends on mass or the height something is released.  I can say it all I want, but when the kids do it... and observe what happens... it makes it so much more meaningful.   Here is a brief (sike! I...