Valentine Tot Trays in Action!

Here are our Valentine Tot Trays in action! Also are a few modifications I made from the original ones I made last Sunday.  Just so you know, Sweet Pea is 18 months, she is prissy about what she touches, and this is our first time to ever do Tot Trays. The intention behind a Tot Tray for me, is to have some structured play with the end goal of learning a specific skill/task or just a new...

Tot Trays for Valentines

okay, so this whole Tot School thing had me a little overwhelmed.  However, once my Tot Trays came if from Oriental Trading, it was like the light bulb went off.  My brain was able to start making all the connections I needed it to, organization was beginning to make sense, and this whole Tot School thing for this non EC teacher now seems possible.Tot Trays are basically "Centers" for...