It’s Slime Time: Galaxy Slime

Making Slime can be intimidating.
Do I really want this stuff in my house? What if it gets on the furniture or the carpet?
Ugh…. is it worth it?
We’ve been studying SPACE this month with Mother Goose Time and have had a “blast!” 
Our STEAM station on Galaxy day had us creating Galaxy Slime using liquid starch.
I did not have any liquid starch, so I found a recipe from here using saline solution.  This link also has a ton of different slime recipes we will be trying out in the future.
Here’s what you need:
The number one ingredient is GLITTER! But this is the best kind of glitter because it stays IN the slime and not all. over. everything.

glitter (any kind), food coloring, clear glue, water, baking soda (not pictured), saline solution, bowls, and some kind of stirring utensil (I used Popsicle sticks I could throw away)
You can follow the directions here but I will give you a quick recap anyway…

My little helper and I each did a color of slime. 
Into each bowl:
Mix 1/4 cup of clear glue and 1/4 water.  Stir together.
Add a few drops of food coloring.  Stir together.
Add 1/4 tsp of baking soda into each bowl. Break down clumps and stir together.
(I’m sure you’re asking yourself, “Baking soda? What does that do?  Read about it here)
Add insane amounts of glitter!
 We added pink, green, and silver to our red slime, and black, blue, and purple to our blue slime.
Make sure you have added the glitter BEFORE the saline solution!
Final ingredient: 1/2 Tbsp of saline solution.  Stir together. 
It will start to pull away from the bowl, keep stirring, and then knead with your hands.  
If it’s still a little too sticky add just a few DROPS of saline solution. 

We played with our slime as individual colors before starting to mix them together.


So much fun!
Her animals joined the SLIME TIME.  She kept saying that the giraffe needed “bandaids” and that is what the slime became. I love her little imagination.
As I watched her play, I realized what a great fine motor activity playing with slime is.
The pinching, stretching, pulling and manipulating of this stuff makes her have to do things with her fingers she normally might not do.
Not only did she help make the slime, but it kept her entertained for an hour while I dealt with baby brother.  And guess what?  It didn’t get all over everything.  She was good about keeping it on her table and using her plastic toys to add to the slime time.  She loved this stuff. 
  As soon as daddy walked through the door, she jumped off the bed, ran yelling,
 “Daddy, we made something! We can play together!”
We stored our Galaxy Slime in a plastic Ziploc container.
I’m sure we will be playing with it some more today… and tomorrow… and the next day.
Join us on FACEBOOK for more adventures, books, and great activities to do with your littles.
Happy Slime-ing!

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