SNS: A Density Lab….Concerning the Earth

It has been really nice covering Earth Science on Earth Day....wish I had gotten the chance to do something about Earth Day.  In my 6th grade class, we are going into more depth about the layers of the Earth and starting to understand plate tectonics. This week started with me showing them a hard-boiled egg, cracking it on the table, going over the cracks with a permanent marker and...

Have you seen THIS?!?!? Amazing!!

So.... after a year of waiting....I finally received my 6th grade science TE textbook.  I received it last week.  It has been kinda tough trying to go in blind my first year teaching 6th grade science, but I also have to admit that this year has been soooooo refreshing as well.  I have taught from those "scripted" texts for several years in the past, and the district watched over...

MNM: Angle Foldables

Well hello there!!! I have been on a blog frenzy.... hopefully I can keep it going!  Only 6 more weeks of school---I can NOT believe how this year had just flown by!!!  I am hoping that I can do a lot of posts this summer about notebooking.... but as for today... we are making foldables on......ANGLES!!!You can use these foldables with anything you are teaching not just math.  Over...

SNS: Science Notebook Sunday- Picture of the Day

I've reached my goal this weekend! In fact I have done 3 posts in 3 days!! I am so proud of myself!   Since my science notebooks are set up the same way as my math ones, I wont go into detail as to how they are set up.  If you want to find out how I set them up you can read my post here, or decorating them is here, or being able to close the giant monstrosities here. I love...

MNM: Setting Up the Math Notebook

New goal.... hopefully to accomplish.... is trying to post each:Saturday or Sunday post about my Science notebooks (SNS- Science Notebook Saturday).Monday about my Math Notebooks (MNM- Math Notebook Monday) We will see how I do.  Well I guess I'll start at the beginning... that only makes sense.  Notebooks are AWESOME!! I did my first in my Algebra II class in high school back in the...

Journey to the Center of the Earth…. Model

So this week we started Earth Science... one of my faves!!!! My TEK stated that the students were to build a model of the layers of the earth, but when they know nothing about the earth it makes the concept of building kind of tough.   So we started from square one: KWL chart, and they came up with some great questions under the W.  One of my students even asked "My dog digs in the...